The Silence of Trees (Pre-Order)

from $30.00

For the past several years I’ve had my eye on trees. This Photo Zine (think mini booklet) is a special creation celebrating that love. This booklet will be a collection of photographs taken over the past few years, including some never before seen images.

The Silence of Trees will be available in two editions.
The Standard Zine: $30
The Bonus Edition: includes a 5” x 7” print. $40

Shipping: estimated end of May 2024

The image of the zine is a current mock-up as the design of the booklet is still in the works.

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This will be a one time run production. A personalized message is available for all preorders. The Zine will be printed on recycled paper and, while still in the design phase, will be 8” x 8” booklet with 26-30 pages.